Terrance N. Mathunjwa
(Executive Chairman - Monkatso Group)

Terrance N. Mathunjwa, - is responsible for the Strategic Direction of the Group’s Subsidiaries. Terrance cut his business teeth whilst studying B.Com at Vista University (Mamelodi Campus) in 1994 by forming a youth investment company with fellow students, it was recognised by the Danish Embassy as one of the youth owned that had huge growth potential; it later gave birth to (Kgwerano Asset Finance a division of Wesbank)
Born in Kwa-Thema, Springs, South Africa. Studied at Tlakula High School, and Matriculated at Franciscan Matric Project. Whilst on Campus was involved with following:
* Black Management Forum (Finance Secretary, Regional Deputy Secretary-General)
* AIESEC (Vice-President: Finance, Local Committee President))
In 1997 facing the prospects of not being able to finance his final year of studies, founded what was at the time the 1st generation of Mobile Car Wash Businesses. The business had amongst its 1st clients Masingita Group, American Consulate and pitching for Permanent Wash Stations at: SAB; Airports Company when his talents, business tactics, tenacity were soon to be recognised and was headhunted by Masingita Group Executive Chairman also South Africa’s first Black Licensed Diamond Dealer and a member of the then South African Diamond Board; with one brief: "Develop a Manuscript on the South African Diamond Industry", later to be published under the Title: A Step by Step Guide into The South African Diamond Industry. Went on to become amongst others a Marketing and Sales Manager for the Group's Diamonds Division, chief among the responsibilities:
* Setting-up a Jewellery Workshop for a Ministerial Project (Kgabane Jewellery Project)
* Setting-up a Jewellery Showroom at the Diamond Centre, Johannesburg
* Setting-up a Jewellery Retail outlet in Cape Town’s Canal Walk
* Custom-Making Jewellery for Individual Clients and Celebrities
* Sourcing and supplying rough / diamonds to and from international business partners
In 2002 left the Group to pursue his business interests and was subsequently granted a Rough Diamond Dealing Licence by the then South African Diamond Board; Co-founded:
* Shiv Diamonds (a Rough Dealership company with his India Based Partners), 14yrs on is still in business.
* Co-Developed and Managed a Franchise Jewellery Concept Retail Outlet: “First World, the Jewellery of Africa”, which was based at The Firs, Rosebank. A subsidiary of DAGOSA owned by Ms Brenda Joyce and the late Dr. Ntatho Motlana.
Monkatso Group
Is a diversified group with Interests in Property Development and Resources;
Other Group Divisions:
Monkatso Maintenance Services: Specialised Mechanical Infrastructural Development and Maintenance
C2CMediaSA: Brand Activation and Mobilisation, Advertising.
As an Active Member of Society am a Founder Member, Secretary General and Executive Director of Naturena Business Forum affiliated to NAFSEC a member of NAFCOC. Through the Forum worked closely with the City of Johannesburg Region G and Gauteng Provincial Government in developing similar structures and communities within the region and the city.
Contact Details
Fax : 086 606 5640
Email : mathunjwat@monkatsogroup.co.za
Skype : terrance.m1
Postal : P.O. Box 2232, Naturena, 2064